One of the greatest things about credit cards is that some give you statement credits to make the things you enjoy free. That includes perks like Global Entry, Uber rides and streaming services.
But one of the greatest frustrations is keeping track of these statement credits to make sure they post correctly, giving you the rebate that you deserve.
American Express offers the most statement credits out of any major issuer. Given how many you may have at your disposal, keeping track of them can be difficult. That’s why we have a monthly checklist of credit card perks you should be using.
But what happens if these credits don’t post properly? Here’s how you can claim missing statement credits from Amex.
Make sure you qualify for the statement credit
Before assuming that a statement credit is missing, make sure you are eligible for that credit first. Many statement credits from American Express require enrolling for the benefit in advance. Thus, if you didn’t enroll for the benefit prior to making a purchase, you might be surprised to find out that you aren’t eligible for a statement credit.
Here’s a look at some benefits you must enroll for in advance, in order to receive statement credits from Amex:
Digital entertainment credits.
Airline incidental credits.
Walmart+ monthly membership fee reimbursement.
Equinox membership credits.
SoulCycle at-home bike credit.
Saks Fifth Avenue shopping credits.
Clear membership fee credits.
Dell shopping credits.
Monthly wireless credits.
Business services credits with Indeed and Adobe.
Thus, if you make a purchase with one of these merchants, you may not receive the statement credit you are expecting if you didn’t enroll for the benefit in advance.
How to claim your missing Amex statement credits
Before contacting Amex, make sure you have the information on the merchant, the purchase amount and what day it posted to your account. To find these details, log in to your American Express account online or via the app.
Next, navigate to the card that the purchase was charged to and open the “Statements & Activity” page. Then, scroll down until you find the relevant charge, the date and the amount. And then look through all other charges in that same month to see if you received the statement credit associated with your purchase.
If you are certain you’re eligible for a statement credit and have waited a sufficient amount of time, here’s how you can claim your missing credits from American Express.
Related: How long does it take to receive statement credits from Amex, Capital One and Chase?
For contacting Amex, there are two options: You can use the online chat feature or call the number on the back of your card.
In March, it took 12 days to receive my Walmart+ credit, but I received the credit on the very same day in June. AMERICANEXPRESS.COM
Once you are speaking to a customer service representative, mention that you have missing statement credits and identify exactly which benefit they are related to. From here, mention the date of the charge for which you didn’t receive the appropriate credits.
In both July and August, I didn’t receive statement credits for my Walmart+ membership, which is a benefit of The Platinum Card® from American Express. This was apparently a wider issue, as reported by Doctor of Credit. However, the chat representative said billing should be fixed from September 2022. My chat session to resolve the missing credits took less than five minutes from start to end.
Related: How 5 minutes of chat got me 85,000 points plus $150
If you decide to call, the conversation model will be the same. Explain which credits are missing and the date of the relevant charge, then request the credit from the employee you are talking to.
Most likely, one of two things will happen during your conversation. It’s possible the customer service agent will tell you to wait longer before they can manually post the credit for you. If that happens, ask how much longer you should wait for the statement credit to post to your account before you contact Amex again for further help.
It’s also possible that the representative will post courtesy credits to your account while talking to you. If that happens, ask how long you should wait for these to show up.
In either situation, make sure you take note of this timeline and ask what you should do next if things don’t go as planned. I usually ask, “If the credits don’t show up by then, what should I do?”
Bottom line
When technology works as expected, life is great. You enroll for a benefit offered by your credit card, make the corresponding purchase and then a statement credit posts to your bill a few days later.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work this way. The good news here is that claiming your missing statement credits from Amex isn’t overly difficult. The most time-efficient way to get your missing statement credits is to use Amex’s online chat function.
Featured photo by Wyatt Smith/The Points Guy.